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Simple AutoRun instructions


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Anybody got any simple/straight-forward instructions for the Auto-run interface?

There's lots on here that describe using it for setting up pallets to run multiple parts (the only thing I've ever used it for) but, I've yet to find anything that discusses setting up desks and layers per part type.

Direct instructions searching the operators manual has been fruitless.

With little time to actually work on the CMM (it's always busy) that I'm wanting to incorporate the interface on, a good instruction would be appreciated.
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One time I put together an AutoRun desk that had a Table of Contents on the first page. I used the "Jump to" or "Enter New Layer" icon and labeled with the customer name. Then, on the new desktop, I put all of the customer's programs on. I also included a "jump to" to take me back to the Home page. If you do something like this, you have to do it on the original 1st layer/desktop because when you open the autorun file, it defaults to that page. I suppose you could do the same technique for parts, cells, groups, or departments, etc.

Not sure why I want to help a Chiefs fan....LMAO
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Appreciate the reply Tom.
It sound's simple enough but,with the limited time I had at lunch, I went out and tried again to no avail. Just haven't the time to try it several different ways I guess.

I create new desk with each category inside the 1st layer and then link the pages as needed, being sure to manually move each desk because Calypso isn't smart enough to put them in order automatically and just put's them on top of each other.

Before adding programs to each desk as they've been linked, I want to save all the new desk so they are available when I open up auto-run again (to assign programs) but, when I close the stupid thing and re-open auto-run again, the desk are GONE. 😡

As a Chiefs fan, I can handle every frustrating scenario I come across, I'll never look behind me and my troubles will be few but, this autorun interface may be my ending... 🤣
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Knowing that every linked desk has to be linked to layer 1 (desk 1), the layer that opens up every time auto run is started, No 🙄 I didn't try to open it up (what I saved it as) thinking it would just open up to it ..I realize the error now but, again was in a hurry.
I'll try again tomorrow when they go on lunch.
I guess I'll have to set Calypso to open up to that auto-run arn file when I change it over to run on auto-run only.
Appreciate the help Tom.
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If you've set up a User account for them, open Calypso as Master. Here, I often set up a user account called AutoRun. In the Privileges tab of the new user, make sure Environment Setup remains ticked. Don't panic. They'll never be able to see this window if you only allow them to use AutoRun. You can also set up their "AutoRun Rights". I usually don't allow any access to Calypso here. This window could take several attempts to get the desired rights to your liking.

Next, click the Administation tab (still in User window) and select new user account under User dropdown menu and click "Switch to". Click ok thru login and password windows. And, OK to close User window. I generally don't set a password for autorun users as I control what they're allowed to do. And, since I don't allow them to edit anything, I figure why does it need to be secure.

Next, click Environment (remember, you're still the new user) and set your start up to automatically open up the desired autorun file. Like I said earlier, this user will not be allowed to log into Calypso, so they'll never see this window. But, as Master, you're already in Calypso, so you can do anything you want.

Close everything out and you're all set. If you log in as Master, you'll have password to keep everything safe. If you log in as new user, the AutoRun starts.

I'm guessing you already know most of this but maybe other forum members can get something out of this.
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Got on the CMM this morning and everything seems to be going as planned.
Everything but the programs for automatic probe calibration, auto-run won't allow you to select "current alignment" so it thinks it has to measure an alignment? Got to be a work-around for that?
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Another question, using pi-web reports in auto-run, is there a report that show's the probe calibration results, other than the default print-out that I can't get to save or print running under auto-run?
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I save my calibration data while running in auto run by saving it as a PDF by going to Resources, name for output files, for this measurement plan then select PDF Files grafics for compact printout. then picking where to save it (Directory)and then (Printout header Fields) to name the file and finally (file ending) PDF.
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Ok, Here goes

Create your Probe qualification program.
Open a new base alignment but leave all fields blank. Click OK.
Save Program

In AutoRun, create the icon for Probe Qual program. In CNC properties, select the alignment name of your Probe Qual program and Use Position Points only. Should run fine.

Tested on 6.6 sp3
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Quote "
Create your Probe qualification program.
Open a new base alignment but leave all fields blank. Click OK.
Save Program
In AutoRun, create the icon for Probe Qual program. In CNC properties, select the alignment name of your Probe Qual program and Use Position Points only. Should run fine".

Did all that and it still wants to measure a base alignment when running auto-run?
The system is running Calypso version 6.2. 164_d284092d1d8b883a420a3e1631820d7c.jpg
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I use auto run for my off shift operators. They click a pic of the part they want to run and it runs.
I have mine to run under "current align" since I use fixtures and the parts are in the same place all time.

You have to set up the current align in the actual program that runs inside auto run. As you know, AR is just a shortcut to the actual program in calypso. Change it in the actual program that you run in calypso, then when you call it up in AR it will use whatever align you have it set too.

This is the set up I have and have been using it for 4 yrs now.

My .02
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Big Big thing i learned about Autorun years ago concerning the picture you want to use for your autorun icon image.
Take a screen shot or grab the picture you want to use from wherever, crop the image so it is very square and save it as a bitmap image named "inspict.bmp".
Put that picture file inside the file folder of the program.
Now when you load that program into Autorun the picture will appear automatically, no need to take the extra step in loading icon images.
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I use another workaround which works flawlessly with a VAST XT head for 12 years now (no guarantee for RDS etc.):
Create an empty measurement plan with a standard name like "Probe Qualification" and make an empty dummy alignment like Tom said. You can delete the plan afterwards. You only need the saved alignment.

When you make your probe qual. program, do NOT create a new base alignment, not even an empty one! Instead LOAD the dummy alignment! If you create an empty aligment by accident, it's already too late and you will get the "continue" box later. You can't go back to the prior state, even if you load the dummy alignment afterwards. You can only delete the plan and start from scratch. It's a weird bug, but that's how it is. It will only work if the first thing you do in the base alignment dialog is to click "Load alignment", load the dummy and never touch it again.

After this continue like Tom said: select the dummy alignment in Autorun and use "position points only".
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I do an actual alignment on the sphere for autorun tool qualifications. I then proceed with qualification - essentially doing two "alignments" while qualifying. Calypso seems to use the first for travel and the second for the sphere qualification.

Any thoughts? It was my workaround from years ago; I wish I had known about the "dummy" alignment back then.
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OK, finally had a chance to try Norbert's work-around and it works.

I tabulated his instructions in the attached document and added details I had to do to get it to work.

It baffles me how a company like Zeiss, who's used the auto-run interface for decades, can not fix something so fundamental to auto-runs ability to seamlessly perform a probe qualification..... 🙁

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That's what I always say: Zeiss should concentrate much more on fixing all those annoying problems instead of including more and more funny stuff like PiWeb. I don't think they can't. They don't need to. And that's why they just don't care.
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  • 1 year later...
Hello everybody,

I'm having issues with Autorun, when I try to palletize, my program works perfect with the first pc. but when is going to jump to the next one, it looks like the CMM is going to home position or sometimes crashes with the fixture. I understand the pallet creates columns in X and Rows in Y. My fixture has different alignment to create that requirement. Any ideas?? Please and thank you
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I'm not sure I fully understand your problem.
Possible cause: Are you using a CNC end park position? If so, you need to take care that it can not collide with the other pallet locations under any circumstances.
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  • 5 months later...
@Evangelina Vargas were you able to get this working?
I've been through every "autorun" thread in here, read through five different sets of instructions, and am no farther along after 12+ hours of banging my head on the granite.
At issue is the same problem you described... first part runs fine, second (and all subsequent) part is nowhere near where the CMM wants to check it.
Using the pallet alignment program always tries to find the first part in the middle of the table, a painful lesson after it rapided into one of the parts. Just using the first part for the alignment gets it closer, but it is always several inches higher in Z than the physical part, but the only way I have found to adjust the Z component for each fixture requires using an editor we didn't purchase (or any of the pcm functions.)
It's just odd that they allow a grid for each fixture location in X and Y, but no way to modify the Z when it thinks the part is 2-3" higher off the table than it actually is.
The only other option I've found is to do a manual alignment on each part, but that sort of negates the benefit of AUTOMATICALLY checking each part.
Sorry for the rant; my expectation vs the reality were pretty different coming it to this.
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Hi Greg,

did you see that post from shabu?


I think the file "Autorun_Guide_2019" nails down pretty much what you have to do!

Note that you have to create a base alignment from your fixture and your part, do not use the alignment of the part as pallet alignment!
Maybe that's the point why it isn't working.

Best regards, Florian
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I ran into a problem where the BA pallet was somehow damaged. Each nest was lower and lower - alias rotation in the Y axis. After the correction of the BA pallet it was fine (It happened right after the zeiss calibration)
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That's because there must be a reason why the Z is off. Adjusting the offset afterwards doesn't solve the underlying problem.
If for example you use the part alignment also as the pallet alignment, every little deviation of the actual alignment can lead to unwanted (and adding up) offsets in every direction. People sometimes do this out of laziness, but it's potentially risky.
In addition I recommend not to use the CNC version of the alignment, as it changes with every run, posing another potential problem.

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If I'm not completely off the track today, this document describes at least Example 1 wrong. It's not true that if you move the pallet you need to realign both the pallet AND the part. It's sufficient to only realign the pallet, because Autorun knows the offset between both. This assumes however, that the parts are really fixed on a moveable pallet and not directly on the granite..
By the way: A fact that can be overloooked is that the pallet to part offset is stored in the Autorun file. So if you modify it on another machine or even an offline seat, the offset may get changed according to the actual alignments stored on that machine. So better avoid to do that. Always edit pallet setups on the machine they were made for.
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