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Breaking up a Curve


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I'm working on a part that has a cam shape around the OD. The cam is broken into different areas by angle and they are applying different Line and Surface Profile tolerances on each area. Sketch below does not depict actual areas. I added section lines to model to show the areas, as seen in the Curve and FFS pics.

I created a single curve and then created new curves and re-called features points by point numbers, i.e. 1-48, 49-266, 267-367, etc., based on the segmented areas. If I use a 1 to 1 ratio of scanned points to curve points, this seems to work marginally ok. If I use a 3 to 1 ration, then I needed to change the point numbers by a factor of 3. However, when I view the actuals, the group of points seem to lose their clocking. They start slightly before the angled segment and end short of the next segment.

I do 3 levels of curves scans and then re-call the curve points into a FFS for the Surface Profiles. The shift mentioned previously is more prominent.

Any ideas on an alternate method?

Screenshot 2021-09-23 100357.jpgcam curve.JPGcam ffs.JPG

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"I created a single curve and then created new curves and re-called features points by point numbers"

Have you tried grabbing the points via the "Box" method?
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Selecting points by numbers is not good idea.

If you scan one curve divided by segments, then you can recall just segment - but if you group segments into contiunously scan, then recalling first segment contains all points and other segments are empty.

Box can be tricky too.
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