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EasyCMM with Vast XT


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A sister plant is attempting to use an older Vast XT, but using a competitors software with the help of EasyCMM. I've been asked to assist, but I've never heard of this EasyCMM before. I've read the manual and have a good idea of what I need to do. However, I'm unaware of how to manually remove the currently active probe with out clicking on the "manual stylus system change" button in Calypso. Is there a way to do this? Whether in Easy CMM, or *cough* PC-DMIS, or without any software?

Thanks in advance.
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No, an XXT doesn’t use an switchable electro magnet to hold the stylus, but a permanent magnet. If you want to take the stylus out, you have to do it carefully by hand.
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Oh, and I remember trying to use this key code to try this when I was using an XXT, and it really releases something, but it’s not the probe, but the whole sensor, it’s the whole XXT that releases. There is a safety pin that should prevent the XXT from falling, but it’s made of plastic and could fail, so never use this key code on an XXT without your hand firmly gripping the sensor, or it will be a very expensive error.
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Our RDS with XXT long ago had the plastic "safety" "disabled" when a rapid move ripped the adapter plate off the head 😱

Now if F2 is pressed it just drops right off. I'd forgotten it was even there 🤣
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