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Why alignment doesn't work?


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I found this problem: aligning two circle in X and Z (putting it a zero in a RPS with tolerance alignment), Z it's not at zero in one of the two circle. See the following images. I am wrong with something?



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it's quite hard to give a sophisticated answer only from some images. Therefore I recommend that you contact your local GOM partner in your country for a deeper investigation of this concrete project.

One educated guess (but remember it's only a guess): You have to understand that we usually recalculate an actual element which depends on nominal data after we have switched into the calculated alignment. This can be prevented if you use 'Required alignment' on the actual element, then this element is only transformed and not recalculated again. This 'reprobing' of the element could lead after the recalculation to a deviation which does not correspond with the computed result in the RPS dialog. The computed result in the RPS dialog is based on the current calculation of your actual element 'A' (in the parent alignment). For so called 'Dynamic rules' in the RPS we try to simulate how we would reprobe this element if we would switch into the alignment we are calculating right now, but for 'Static rules' this is in general  not possible. In this case you can try to specify iterations or you have to work with setting the 'Required alignment' option.



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