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scanned threaded nipple align to the cylinder axis


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Hello, I'm new to GOM-Inspect and have scanned a threaded nipple and would like to align it first with Gom Inspect to the cylinder axis and then trace / dimension the thread with another CAD program (if that doesn't even work in Gom Inspect !?).
Unfortunately, I can't get it to align the scan to me, no matter which "alignment" I choose in the menu. I would be very grateful for any help.

Best regards

Scan ausrichten GOM.PNG

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Hallo Steffen,

in the project guide it says "Die Ist-Daten fehlen" (no actual data). Did you import your scan data? Right now there is only nominal data like a CAD. It is possible to create pseudo actual data via Operations -> CAD -> CAD to actual mesh. Because there is no actual data at the moment, nominal and actual data can't be alligned.



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