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Masterprobe errors


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So no crashes, nothing like that. No power outage. I go to locate my reference sphere as I do every Monday and now I'm getting this error:
I hit OK, and it runs and then I get an error saying to requalify the Master Probe. What do I do? I can't requalify it because it isn't locating the Reference Sphere...I checked the radius on the Master Probe, it was off by 1mm, not sure how or why but I corrected that. And the reference sphere radius is 15mm, and it states that in the properties.

Any help is appreciated as we have parts that have 3 hours worth of work left on them and have to get sent out by 3pm EST today!
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It can be because the masterprobe needs to be cleaned or the contacts need to be cleaned. Can you try to clean the probe and contacts and retry.
Did you do "qualify stylus" instead of "Reference sphere position" with the masterprobe and that started giving you errors?
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When you reference the sphere with the Master probe, it essentially requalifies the Master Probe to the known sphere diameter.
Are you clicking to reference the sphere position 1st and making sure the right orientation is chosen?
The master probe generally shouldn't be part of any qualification program and should only be used to reference sphere.
I've seen this error on our Duramax CMMs and click OK and have no more problems afterward, it never comes back and says to requalify the master probe.
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So come to find out...the nut that connects the XXT to the RDS knuckle was loose! I should have thought of that right away. Sorry about that!
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i was going to suggest cleaning all contacts, checking the tightness, etc.

We have had the nut loosen over time. Same with styli. The temperature of the room is not controlled as it should. Depending on the season we can be anywhere from 60° to 80° and management is OK with that. Between the temperature working it loose and the occasional bump when a clamp is left open 😉 etc. it just happens.
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