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File error


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We keep getting this error in the calypso.log file. Has anyone run across this one? I suspect an IT issue as we are under Windows 7 UAC not running as adminstrator. And multiple security programs due to previous security issues.

2021-04-30 19:12:36,682 debug Unknown Unknown 0000 Source for Sensor XML file for calculation (from Software): C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\Calypso\opt\om\config\equip\senspara.XXt.TL1.xml
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I'm a little unsure about what its trying to tell you besides that it cannot detect your sensor correctly. It could be that one of your security measures may have removed or altered the file.

I'll put my file up since I have no issues with it, make sure if you do use it to swap the extension back to ".xml".


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