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simulation probe alignment


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Having some issues here with simulation side using calypso 7.0 (2020). I took the probes from the cmm we are using, a accura with an RDS/xxt for the geometry of each position and transferred them to the offline seat that we have. Then mated each one with the proper ssc file. the master probe was right on as shown.4183_3290e7b64840faadbd13452d04863abd.png
using these values for navigation4183_dcdc5959366c0c6ba8b138edf0f07379.png
but when I switch to a different probe like the 3mm it shifts and creates collision issues in simulation on the parts.4183_cdd4ba587cd6a5e342702424cb39b493.png

Does anyone have any tips or ideas? Thanks
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What do you mean by "transferred to the offline seat"? Did you copy/export the probe data from the real machine to the offline seat? I don't know if anything is different with a RDS, but normally you just import the SSC files of master probe and all other probes. You don't need to import any other data. This way you get clean "zeroed" probe data.
My guess is that you may have transferred the inaccuracies of the real probes (as small as they may be) together with the data from the CMM, which may then lead to collisions because probe data and SSC model don't match exactly. In simulation a collision by a fraction of a micron is as good as half the tip radius. But in the end this is just a guess.
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This is minor, but if you look at the properties of the masterprobe generated in SSC, you'll see they vary a bit from your current values. I've seen these values change with various versions of Calypso. Open mouth, insert foot. This data was from 6.8. I checked it in 7.0 and your data is correct.

SSC Doc_MasterProbe.pdf

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So is their a good way to get the probe location for all the positions. maybe that's where the hang up is. The 0.0 position is right where it should be but once it switches angles it gets lost and is off center like mentioned earlier.

So I got the .pcf file with all the geometry for the probes from the real machine, then put the .scc file on that and updated the rc list taken form the real machine. I do agree with Norbert about the inaccuracies being carried over but with out the .pcf file how would the probe locations know where to go since all the X,Y and Z's would be 0?
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This is a bit messy and I haven't done it in awhile so I may not have everything correct.

On the machine, open the RC List window and save the Styli List. This is a text file of styli names and A&B angles and bring this to offline seat. You can open this file with notepad to see what it looks like.

On offline seat, import the SSC file so that you get the correct model of the stylus system. Go into RC List window and open the text file. I believe you will see your original stylus 1 and the stylus 1 from the text file, along with all of the other styli names and angles from the machine.

This is where it gets fuzzy for me. I don't remember how to deal with the 2 #1 styli. Next, in the RC List, you will Create New Stylus system. You will get an option to Overwrite, Update or cancel. I believe you want to update. There should be a window asking what the new styli should be referenced to. The default is stylus 1 created from SSC. Just click OK here.

When you try to close the RC List window, you'll be prompted to save the text file, like on the machine.

I'm curious if you delete the stylus 1 line in the text file if that will make the process go smoother.
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this worked thank you. I left the 0.0 position for the program to reference position from and only used the .scc file and the RC list this time.
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