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Custom Label: Same number of columns but different properties


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Trying to make a custom label, I have added checks with the same number of columns but different properties, how to avoid that they are separated in another label?, please.
Combine similar labels in one is enabled.

Thank you,
Agustín Cruz

Same number of columns but different properties.png

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  • [Ag...] changed the title to Custom Label: Same number of columns but different properties


does "previously" mean that this did work in an older version and now doesn't ? If so, which versions did you compare ?

To form a common label, the different label templates must match by name, number of columns and the 'combine similar labels' property you mentioned. Since version 2020, it might be the case that some internal id plays some role here and something broke regarding your workflow.

It is possible to get a stripped down project which shows this behavior for further analysis ?

Best regards,

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  • 5 months later...
here is the solution provided via the support channel:
"Thanks for reporting this and for the really well prepared project. To form a common label, all elements involved must have (a) the same parent element (which is the case here) and b) the same label template. In the project, the label templates were all 'user defined' and do not have a template.
In version 2019 this worked by accident, because 'same label template' meant 'same label template name' and 'user defined' counted as this. In version 2020, the concept has been changed. The label templates do have internal ids, so 'same label template' is no longer valid if just the names are matching. Instead. you have to create label templates explicitly as follows:
  • Select element
  • Open toolbox, 'label' tab
  • Select 'save template as' as shown in screenshot #1 and create a new template
  • Repeat this for the other labels, but this time select 'add to template' to add these element types to the same templates.
Then, the label will be combined."



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