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Reverse Engineering Capabilities of GOM Inspect vs Geomagic Design X


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What would you say are the primary differences between GOM Inspect and Geomagic Design X. I know Geomagic Design X is a more powerful reverse engineering tool but what does it have that GOM Inspect does not have?

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  • [Ma...] changed the title to Reverse Engineering Capabilities of GOM Inspect vs Geomagic Design X


GOM Inspect does not offer Reverse engineering capabilities, it's a software for inspecting your scanned surface data (comparison to CAD, GD&T evaluations, classic technical drawing evaluations and many more) . Of course, we can fit also some regular primitives like planes, cylinders, etc. to your data, but usually you need the fitting (and construction) of free-formed surfaces which results in the end in one consistent CAD model (Neighbouring surface patches have no gap, the surface curvature has no gap, ...). These functionalities are offered in reverse engineering programs like Geomagic Design X (and many more).

Hope this helps!



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