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Color legend problem


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Dear GOM,

We have some problems with a new laptop running the 2021 GOM software. (free version)

If we make a pre-alignement and create a surface comparison on actual we are seeing wrong value's and can absoluty not adjust the 'showing' colors, we can press apply with a ±1 mm tolerance but the strange color value doesn't change. We have tried every sigma, scaling or legend type. 

If we run the same files (CAD/STL) on a different computer and doing the same steps as above we have the good color results. 

Now, if we save this GOM file including the CAD / STL from a different computer and open it on the new laptop, the comparison and tolarance is good! But if we make an alingment on this opend file it is incorrect again..

It really look like some institution we cant find. 

Hope you could help, thanks in advance!



gom color legend.jpg

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Hello Kenneth,

please check the surface comparison.Or the alignment is off for some reason. You could show CAD and mesh at the same time to check this. Or maybe the little button with the two arrows is active? Then the distance direction is reversed and the results may look like this. You could also place a deviation label on the comparison in your screenshot to see the actual value. 


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