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Time delay after scanning


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I have a measurement plan that runs from the features list. The part scanning takes about 2.5 minutes, but then the calculations for the characteristics and the Multiple Report takes another 30 to 40 seconds. It seems that the majority of this time is for creating the report. Any ideas what I can do to reduce these times?
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You could increase the scan speed for your poly-lines, but it's best to stick with the Cookbook settings. Also, the reason the report is taking so long to generate is because you're running from the Features list. If you run from the Characteristics list, each one will populate with data as the appropriate features are measured. I prefer to run from Features myself, as it's how I program. If you choose to run from Characteristics however, you need to program in such a way that it yields time-savings; because when a characteristic is executed, it's going to go and measure any and all features that are associated with it. This could take a while, if those features are spread far apart (large part).
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If you are not interested in graphic outputs, select the compact printout instead.

Not sure if the new Piweb database format in Calypso 2020 has an improvement on the multiple printout..
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