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Hello everybody , i have a big problem for solve, its my work for conclusion master's degree. Can i combine this two objects and analise de deviation of area surface between them? HEEEEELLLPPPP! Hown can i do this ?


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the project provided by Mr. Gallasch looks like the solution. The standard workflow ist to import your meshes as one nominal and one actual mesh, create a prealignment and then a surface comparison on CAD. Mesh to mesh comparisons are possible too, but this is the standard workflow. 



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It should be noted, however, that the alignment of the two meshes to each other that I have chosen represents only ONE of the possible alignments! In the project I worked on, this is a pre-alignment plus a best-fit alignment. Also conceivable is an alignment which aligns the rather flat surface around the area of the trunnion to each other and then aligns the trunnion in a certain way with respect to the other three degrees of freedom which are still open (e.g. via a nominal and actual truncated cone in the trunnion).

For the calculation of the area deviation, the normal directions of the triangles also had to be inverted for one of the two meshes.

It may also be necessary to consider a material thickness, which was also not considered further in my example.

From the question, the task is not exactly clear, so possibly a completely different solution or approach is the correct one. My solution is only an example!

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I am very happy with the solution! That's exactly what I'm looking for! And at the same time worried, as I cannot reproduce the solution given by Mr. Andreas and Mr. Nanno.
And my time for presenting my dissertation is running out.
I think it is asking a lot, but I have no choice but to ask for help with my work and request that these analyzes be done by you.
I have been trying to reproduce this analysis for 3 days and I have not been successful.
So I will leave the files here and if you can help me I will be extremely grateful.

pin and man 6 mm.ginspect pin and man 8 mm.ginspect pin and man 12 mm.ginspect

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Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Lösung! Genau das suche ich! Und gleichzeitig besorgt, da ich die von Herrn Andreas und Herrn Nanno gegebene Lösung nicht reproduzieren kann.
Und meine Zeit für die Präsentation meiner Dissertation läuft ab.
Ich denke, es verlangt viel, aber ich habe keine andere Wahl, als um Hilfe bei meiner Arbeit zu bitten und zu verlangen, dass diese Analysen von Ihnen durchgeführt werden.
Ich habe 3 Tage lang versucht, diese Analyse zu reproduzieren, und ich war nicht erfolgreich.
Also werde ich die Dateien hier lassen und wenn Sie mir helfen können, werde ich sehr dankbar sein.

pin and man 6 mm.ginspect pin and man 8 mm.ginspect pin and man 12 mm.ginspect

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Ich danke dir sehr ! Ich bin sehr dankbar für Ihre Hilfe. Ich beabsichtige, weiter über die GOM-Inspektion zu lernen. Das Lösen von Problemen über die Forum-Community funktioniert wirklich und das hat mich motiviert, dieses Tool zu verwenden.
Gute Arbeit und nochmals vielen Dank.

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Thank you so much ! I am very grateful for your help. I intend to continue learning about the GOM inspect. Problem solving through the forum community really works and that was instrumental in motivating me to use this tool.
Good job and thanks again.

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