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Smart Teach without photogrammetry


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We are using a SCB 6130 unfortunately without photogrammetry. We can use one general fixture for all parts. Only fixture have points on it but it is optimised for SCB measurements so ref.points can be seen from every position.

We made simulated reference points on the fixture and used smart teach function. From all positions enough points can be seen.

The problem is that the program running is really slow because it can not see identified points from some positions and it waits there minutes. At the end the final calculation puts it together and all transformation happen by ref.points. But some of this waiting time makes the program from 5 min to 15 min.

Do you have some kind of good solution to this situation? Can I "tell" the program that move on bacause at the end the transformations will be by ref.points?

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the waiting time is probably caused by computing a best-fit of measurements that cannot see identified points. You can disable computing a best-fit by going to Acquisition -> Acquisition Parameters -> Reference Points. There you can set the "Measurement transformation" to "By reference points only". That way, a best-fit of measurements is never computed. In your case, this should be fine, since you say that all measurements are capturing a sufficient number of reference points. If a measurement does not capture reference points, it will display an error that it cannot be transformed at all.

Kind regards,
Jan-Henrik Kluth

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  • 1 month later...

The other possible cause of the slow down is the initial alignment in the project. If you use a prealignment the software will compute the low resolution mesh and try to align it between each shot. This can cause the sensor to sit and wait after it has scanned for all of these calculations to be performed. GOM recommends using a best fit by reference points as your initial alignment to avoid this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As mentioned above, if you are aligning each scan as you go, the more scans you take, the longer the scans will take to finish.

You can turn this off by clicking this icon. Then it will wait to calculate ref points. 

Please note, you might start to notice deviation in your scans. Turn this back on and wait for it to re-calculate, to see if that fixes it. 


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