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star probe.


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Do you just need to know how to name the stylus, or do you need complete instruction on probe qualification?

Z- (if you had one) would be #1, Y+ stylus would be named #2, X+ would be #3, Y- would be #4, X- would be #5
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Go to CMM tab > Stylus system icon > pick up the MasterProbe > Choose the Reference sphere > choose Ref. sphere position (click the rotation and angle that matches your actual sphere). Click Qualify stylus > follow the prompts to qualify your MP. Pick
up the star probe > click Qualify stylus (manually qualify each styli).
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Is there is any special in qualifying star probe instead as usual qualification of each tips??.

I have not worked with star probes....
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Ive done star probes on an xxt gold head, where each leg of the star was its own probe. Just havent done it on an RDS where i have to tilt the head 90 deg.
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