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Stylus at the beginning


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I just programmed and tried to run it. I want to use the straight down stylus but CALYPSO keeps asking me if I want to change it to STAR stylus. Does anyone know how to start with the stick stylus?
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Try going to Resources > Features Settings Editor. From the top dropdown menu, select Stylus System. Check the list to see if the desired stylus system is assigned for all of the features. If not, select the features and "Set to" the desired stylus system.

Next, at the top dropdown menu, select Stylus. Again, check all of the features are using the desired stylus. If not, select the features and "Set to" the desired stylus.

Next, at the top dropdown menu, select Travel > Clearance Group. Check to see if desired Clearance Planes are properly set to each of the features. If not, select the features and "Set to" the desired clearance plane.

Click OK and Run with caution.
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