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Freeform Best Fit Alignment


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To one surface is possible. Just create a "work piece system".

On several surfaces, as free form surfaces. No. One time i tried to get around this by creating a lot of curves and use "alignment from several curves". Worked pretty well, but did'nt feel satisfying...

I guess you can use loads of points and 3d-best fit also.

But an alignment of several free form surfaces is not an option.

While this topic is up, any one who knows the of difference of ticking best-fit and ticking best-fit and gauss. What type of best-fit is just best-fit? Asked an AE once, mostly recived mumble as an answer...
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If fitting to one surface is possible, can you just "recall feature points" on everything you want into one surface and fit to that? Never tried it myself.
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Yes, you can make one free form surface of all surfaces. But then it's no longer per definition "one or more free form surfaces".

Free form surfaces have always given me the most reasonable results when using them with their own respective strategy. Recalling points or curves many times works fine, but sometimes not. Problems tend more likely to occur for me on relativly larges surfaces. And always when you don't have time for it. 😃

I say reasonable results because I from time to time correlate the results with an optical 3d scanner from GOM. And they have always been closest to each other when I generate a strategy within the free form feature. (Furthest away is usually recalling points, even if there is plenty of them.)
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The attached screenshot shows the two freeform surfaces I'd like to perform a best fit alignment on. So far I haven't been able to find a way to achieve this. None of the alignment options allow me to choose a freeform feature. What am I missing here?


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Aren't they cylinders?

You can create one surface from recalling those two and recalculate ( but don't forget to clear measured data - or do it from copies of those two ). But i dont know if it can be recalculated. Not at machine now
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You need to create one Free-Form surface that references both surfaces. Then turn on Best-Fit inside of the Free-Form, and then click on the Alignment button. It will create a Free-Form alignment that can be used for characteristics/features.
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Martin, I wish they were cylinders as it would make my life a lot easier. It's hard to tell from the screenshot but it's more of a parabolic shape that follows an arc.

Richard, you are a life saver! I didn't realize the alignment had to be created within the freeform feature settings.

Thanks for all the great feedback, everyone!


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