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roll reading on a cylindrical part.


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I don't know anything of measuring with Zeiss O-Inspect. But what is your surface requirements of that part? Is it turned?
You measure across the maching marks? What material?

Out of the blue, assuming your part is pretty fine machined, and that area is around 30-40mm in lenght, I would say that a spline filter with a cutoff at 0.25 is very, very coarse. Spline also interplates the whole curve in a (many times) undesired way.

I also assume the reason that your points vectors is off, is because of the optical measurement?

One thing I have noticed my self, is when measuring like this, (aiming for the "highest" area of a cylindrical part.) If you have even very little straighness error on the part, or you arn't perfectly aligned, but Calypso thinks it is measuring along the axis, on the "top". You would not end up with a curve that is in your case should shaped something like \__/, instead the actual data looks like this )_(. Well, imagine it twisted... 😃 Twisted in combination of a interpolated spline is probably not what you are aiming for.

Some times, I measure a cylinder/step cylinder at the area, that I use as alignment for that particular curve. To make sure I collect points at the correct place.

Also, remember that the pass thru of gauss and spline filter is 50%.
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Centerless grinder, surface finish is 32Ra max. Vectors not normal, because CFS is perpendicular.
we trusted the strategy (assumed to be correct) that was given us. It cost us time, and had to change it.
Thanks for the input Eric.
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32 😱
Well, then I would stick my shin out and straight up say that 0.25 is "wrong".

But measure it, and see where you actually are, also take not of Peak and Valley, so you can get some idication of "surface bearing capacity" (google translated that one, probabilly not the word I was looking for.)

Yeah, trust, something I got restrictive with since I started doing this line of work. 😃
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