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Welding/Joining Plane Faces


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Just a quick question, with probably an easy answer..

So I have a large 24" surface, and when I go to extract a part of the plane I want to use as my spatial, I got the separation you see in the picture. It has extracted Plane 1 (highlighted purple), and the 4 blue colored and numbered planes are separate from Plane 1, even though they are one continuous piece on both the model (Z nominals), and machined part. Is there an easy way to fuse these planes together, so I can speed up my alignment, using a large span of the part as opposed to recalling all the individual planes as 1 plane?

Or can I just place the points in space where I need them anyways?


Connected Plane.jpg

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I have seen this before. You can highlight one plane, open it up (strategy)
and enter points/polyline on the other 4 surfaces, turning it into one plane.
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Thanks Clarke, kinda figured, that's all I was wondering, wasn't sure if it would mess with the calculating/evaluation.
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Try the following menu item:
CAD > Modification > Merge faces with same geometry
This should create one surface out of connected faces that are of the same type and orientation. Caution: this will modify faces on the whole model! It's mainly used to merge halved cylinders of bores, but should also work here.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Try this,
CAD> CAD File> Automatic Healing
check the "Simplification", "Stitching", and "Correct boundary curves" boxes
then click "OK"
then pick your surface again.
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Cad > Create Feature > highlight all the surfaces> to the right of geometry click plane > click the button to the left of geometry

Result: one plane feature
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  • 2 years later...
Sounds easy.
Obviously I am missing something.
Selected the 2 surfaces that make up the plane.
Clicked 'Plane" - All good so far.
Clicked the geometry button - only 1 section was still highlighted.
Opened up the created plane - it is only using 1 section.

Any suggestions?

Plane Construction.jpg

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Brian, what Kevin says works. Graphically isn't highlighted right, but if you check X,Y,Z of created planes you will see it works. Just keep in mind that the selection sequence matters.
edit: it won't calculate lenghts right though. At least not on 6.4.28 version.
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