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Why must calypso treat Line & Surface profiles completely different?


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Ok, so most of what i do is surface profiles in Free Form, but occasionally a customer will slip in a line profile here & there, gives me a change to keep some polish on the curve side of the software.
Now where i'm at Min & Max values are huge, almost bigger than the profile number itself because Min & Max will tell you where you're at, not just if you're in or out of tolerance. i get that.
So generally i have 2 lines for each profile, first is bilateral 1 result, second is bilateral 2 results, the 2 results is where the min & max come from.
#5 Profile
#5 Profile Min Max
At the end of every program i either send text results to WinSPC, or if SPC not required i send it to a network folder where it will be searchable and becomes part of the record.

My problem is if i go into result element and start a formula and click on a bilateral 2 result SURFACE profile, my options in Actuals are getMinActual and getMaxActual. i can click on either of those and hit compute and i am shown a number that is either the min or max profile number.
If i go into result element and start a formula and click on a bilateral 2 result LINE profile, my options in Actuals are 'Actual'. when i click on it and hit compute and i am shown an Error box, NOT the min or max profile number.
I cant find a way to edit the line to give me a min or max result.

Any of you have any insight?

Surface Profile1.JPGLine Profile1.JPG

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FYI, in this particular instance, since the profile is pretty well unrestrained (just a spacial rotation) i can get away with reporting out the min and max deviation of the feature, and the result will be within 0.001" inch, and nobody will be the wiser.
However, i have some programs in the near horizon that are going to be more constrained that this wont be an option.
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Haha yeah, not sure if its a bug or one of those German features.. Been like that as long as I can remember 🙂

Any how, getMin/MaxActual really doesn't do much more then adding the suffix ^Min or ^Min.

So you can either go:
getActual("Line Profile1^Min").actual
getActual("Line Profile1^Max").actual
getMaxActual("Line Profile1").actual
getMinActual("Line Profile1").actual
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