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Angle Hole Clearance plane


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Depending on if there is anything in the way, but you could come from the -Y or the +X, but the main thing you need to do is to add clearance distance that is equal to the depth (plus extra clearance) of the circle from that face. Clearance distance travels parallel to the axis of the hole, so in this case if you have the proper amount of clearance you will see it travel down the axis of the hole.
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I've worked with Calypso off and on for 14 years and never knew this but, pretty cool.

If you want to see the clearance distance and retract distance positions, go to CAD > Settings > Strategy and tick Clearance Positions checkbox. When you open a feature, you will now see 2 arrows. The clearance distance and retract distance will be represented at each end of the arrows. These 2 locations will be probe center representations. The arrows will not appear if you use a 0.000 clearance distance. These arrows are helpful in determining navigation into an angled hole. By Tom Oakes 8/21/2019
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Your clearance distance has to go out beyond the hole. Say the depth of the circle is 20mm from the face. You would need to set it to at least 20mm to get to the top of the hole, but you will want to add extra, say make it 30-40mm.
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