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Unstable radius


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I have to measure unstable 45 degree covering two radius as shown in the red colour mark, when I measure it as two cylinder one side I got 31.85 and other side I got 32.05 . Nominal value 32 diameter.but my production people says it is tool controled ,a single tool both radius should be same.
My measuring strategy two segment 4 points per each segment. Evaluation is default method I did not change anything.
I constrain the lower diameter cylinder radius then I got 31.9 .
What is the best measuring strategy to measure this highly unstable cylinder.


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I as ex-milling programmer suspect that milling tool is bending because of unequal material. They should add final clean cut.
Try measuring it with points 3x3 - or try to measure a circle or set of circles and review it with profile with locked radius. You will find what is happening there.
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