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Clearance Planes


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Daft question - I have a clearance box around my part, when I move to the clearance it is taking the distance from the edge of the probing system (VAST gold). I see why, but my styli is shorter then the edge of it and I want to speed things up a bit. Anyone know a solution?
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cannot really understand what you are talking about, but you can control your clearance distance and retract distance inside the measurement plan tab menu.
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Apologise for the terrible redactions. So basically you can see the edge of the VAST is at 7mm from the clearance cube, I want that to be 7mm from the styli. I feel secondary clearance is the way but not sure
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Sub-clearance planes would work well.

Otherwise, on circular features, you can use the +Z clearance plane as long as the clearance distance is adequate to clear the part as you come down. Same for some linear features that have a clearance distance direction away from the part. Other linear features may require a position point before and after the measuring strategy.
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