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Constrain on a cone


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Can someone explain to me what you constrain when you click on constrain cone? We are checking 1.500 T.P.F. and had a part checking 1.508, clicked on constrain cone it became 1.503. To make sure we were doing the right thing we checked one that was 1.500 then clicked constrain cone and it made it 1.504. If we had an ideal of what was being constrained we could make a decision whether we should use constrain a cone or not. Right now I am of the opinion that we should not be using it. I am open minded to it if someone can show me why you should use it for T.P.F.
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Your true position datum reference frame will constrain all the degrees of freedom, I don't use that option and to be honest I don't know what is the purpose. I think it is useful for best fit alignment.
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Constraints should be used when working with either small unstable features, or incomplete features.

The most common use of constraints is measuring a short arc radius. You constrain the location to evaluate the radius, and you constrain the radius to evaluate the location.

On cones, I have constrained them when they were really small, typically the only thing I would constrain would be the vector. I don't know which constraints you were applying, but if you applied a cone angle constraint when it wasn't needed you will get bogus results.
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If you check constraint for "Cone Angle" you will make the angle nominally perfect. By checking
"Normal Vector" you will see the AI & A2 values change to zero, I don't believe Calypso will allow
you to constraint X,Y, or Z for a cone? Checking constraint for "Radius" should give you a better location.
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No matter what you constrain, it always means that you set the constrained parameter to nominal, so it's no longer part of any (best-) fitting calculation. So basically all you have to consider is: do I want this parameter fixed to nominal or not?
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