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Probe rack


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Anyone have issue with the probe rack position being off after the machine being left on and having to restart of the PC and Software?
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No, I have done it lot of time, nothing happened to my rack alignment. Please check inside your rack settings, there can be something wrong..
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Make sure your rack wasn't physically moved. We had an operator crash into the rack (don't know how, he still denies it.). We had to square it back up to the machine then teach it where the rack was again. I did have a Spectrum lose track of the last 2 positions
on the rack after Zeiss calibrated the machine. Had to run the teach cycle 8 times to finally get it to find everything again.
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This has happened to me one time that was completely out of the blue. I started missing my probe rack and my reference by probably 10mm.

I rehomed the machine and never had the problem again. It was weird.
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It always seems to happen right after the software hangs up and I have to do a restart. But the machine re-homes fine and the rack is off. I know When I left Friday they were making a video of the machine with a robot feeding it parts but the common factor was the software was hanging up when I came in Tuesday.
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