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Homing out Axis individually


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Is there a way with the new Calypso software to have it home out each axis individually at the initial start up? I have a Micura and the way the probe rack is set up some of my probe clusters will crash into the rack when homing. I've figured out how to make it only home out with the Masterprobe or with the head empty but it would be nice to not have to worry about that.
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Not that I am aware of. But you can change the Z homing value so that it doesn't come down very far. In those cases, I tend to make the X stay closer to zero and make the Y come further out, so it clears the rack. Also, when I shut the CMM off, I park the cmm closer to X origin so I don't have to X traverse over the rack much. And, last but not least, jogging the machine to the left size before clicking ok for the homing process. Yes, I understand this is not fool proof but in lieu of a real solution, this may help.
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