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Planner Stylus Change Rack


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In planner I'm trying to add the change rack (MSR mini) I have two on my Contura G2 (X1000 Y1200 Z600).
One is facing Y along the X+ side of the machine, the other facing X at the rear of the machine. The default
rack in planner has two tiers. My racks have only one tier each.I find it hard to believe that you can't edit the
rack (delete tiers). Or can you? If there is, I haven't found it.
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Ok, I was able to edit the racks via Modify CAD Entities, but now I need four of
the three bay stylus holders for an XXT. I don't see this option in simulation?
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There is a video on-line called "Zeiss Calypso Offline Planner in Action".
It shows the R&R Fixture threaded grid plate on the virtual CMM. Does
anyone know were I can get a CAD model of this plate? I called R&R
fixtures and asked them, but they don't offer one.
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What are the dimensions of the plate and the pitch between holes. How big are the holes? Would take all of 5 mins to make one for you. I don't mnd.
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