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Long shot - Mitutoyo to Calypso


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Good morning everyone!

I was asked by someone to do a 100% layout on parts (Fan shrouds). These parts I'm laying out have already been laid out by the supplier and the mold makers, however, our "Decision Maker" (Just a great guy) has decided not to trust either layout and wants one done with me.

My long shot question is, is their a way to get information from Mitutoyo program files and convert to Calypso? Even getting a text file that says how the supplier measured the parts would help. I'm just looking to duplicate measuring methods and have comparable results.

Thank you!

-I don't expect to have an easy answer or one at all, but anything helps.
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Yeah I have no idea either regarding the mitutoyo to calypso but, to help resolve issues from the get-go, see if you can get a part they've already measured and the exact inspection report for that part.
I have no idea what a fan shroud consist of inspection wise but, having the same balloon numbers(if they have them) tied to the same characteristic will make it easier to create and compare.
If that's not possible, see if they have a certified master-part with certified dimensions that you can use to create your program and that way you'll have an idea if your program is on the right track.
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My personal experience in dealing with injection molded anything.
it won't be right
it will be close
die maker will say "well then we'll need 100k to build a new die"
and in the end someone will push it thru because while you are dealing with how to measure, the molding shop is turning out 10,000 parts a day.

Sorry that's probably no help to anyone.
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11th commandment: Thou shalt not bash injection molding, lest I take away your toilet seat! 😡

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You forgot:
this 'someone' will say: "...because we need the parts urgently!" 🤣 🤣
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