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Maximum Coordinate / Nominal Feature


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I've used the Maximum/Minimum coordinate before, but not with "Nominal feature" ticked.
I'm creating the program now, but don't have a part yet. By ticking this option, does it grab
the point closest to the nominal value entered? I'm using 2d curves to create a circle from
the intersection of a cone and plane for true position.
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I have never used Nominal Feature, when using Max Coordinate with a curve. I would presume that the Max Coordinate would be the "highest" actual point, relative to the nominal feature; and not related to the nominal values that you enter.
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I believe that if you check the Nominal Feature box the coordinate reported is relative to the best-fit feature. So, if your feature was a plane the max coordinate would be the distance between the max point and the best-fit plane. If the Nominal Feature box is not checked, the max coordinate would be relative to the alignment the feature was measured to.
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I have to report the true position of the diameter (Intersection of cone and plane), but I need a circle feature because the print calls out LMC for the circle in question. I'm trying to construct it by getting points on 4 equally spaced 2d curves cutting through the cone and plane.
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Can you create a theoretical circle with formulas referencing the diameter and coordinates from an intersection? Alternately, you may be able to use the diameter from an additional cone calculation using the height of the plane.
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