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Tangent from Diameter to Plane


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Hey guys,

I am trying to interpret what the blue print is saying. It is saying that the surface is supposed to be tangent within .005 to the 3.030-3.040 Diameter. How do I go about measuring to get a result? But what I am thinking is the diameter and surface is supposed to be some kind of clearance making sure the diameter and surface are not overlapping. But I would like to know what you guys think.


Tangent 2.pngTangent 1.png

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Could you do a perpendicular construction from the diameter (measured as a circle) to the plane, then subtract the diameter from the perpendicular's length with a Result Element? Then put the tolerance as 0±.005

Unless I'm picturing it wrong.
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That is what I am thinking. Using a result element to get some kind of result. Seems simple, but I know for sure it is just to make sure the plane and diameter does not overlap within each other + or - .005. Which attributes would I use to subtract from the diameter to the Perpendicular Construction? Would it be the X- Value?
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I am new to programming CMM, however your question got me looking. In the construction drop down menu is an option for Tangents, which gives you 2 features, I would think would be your circle and your line. It puts this in features. I have not used this
so I don't really know if it will help you.
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