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Repeated measurements error


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I wanted the same inspection area throughout the whole cases. I have multiple CAD files and I would like to compare to one mesh file and I need the same inspection area in all files. 

When I used the professional version, and cho405423886_Repeatedmeasurements.thumb.PNG.6c00abb6771698a87a67705cb6b719a0.PNGse replace in part and chose to replace CAD and recalculate the results, I had a big issue which the orientation or the direction of the selected part is different from the first selection. Attached is the photos of what appeared. 

It is the same when I created a template. 


Kindly let me know how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance. 

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I can only guess what the root problem is: I guess it depends on the alignment and the kind of parametric of the point selection which  you have chosen. If you replace CAD and Mesh it's hard to guess what should happen to the parametric of the selection and of course the alignment transformation itself changes. Again, this is only a guess. 
From my point of view the Forum is not the right place to give you a good and simple advice which approach would fit your needs. Sorry to say but I guess you have to contact  the professional support in your country (and you have to supply your projects to get a better understanding what you have done so far and how you would exchange CAD and mesh to reproduce the observed behaviour).




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