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Scan vs single point on a profile


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Here's something related to the last post about "Scan vs single point". I'm reporting a .006 surface profile of an ellipse back to -A- & -B-. Datum -A- is the OD cylinder and -B- is the flat surface at X zero. If I scan a 2d curve and recall the points into the FFS, I get
.011. If I use 4 single points and recall those into a FFS, I get .004. I just don't understand the huge difference in methods? Is the difference got something to do with the FFS itself, or just the fact that I'm covering much more surface area? Those tight (purple) corners are minus material. I can't imagine they would make that much difference?
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From a manufacturing perspective(if it is a milled pocket)i understand the huge difference. Those 4 four points you have taken would be the ones that should be easiest to get to fit and measure with handheld equipment like a caliper.

But have you tried doing the same scan with a smaller stylus?
Or doing a single points in the area which is out of tolerance?
How about filtering and outlier?
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I'm using a 0.8mm stylus. Afraid to go any smaller, could shank. Can't filter a FFS. Functionally it should be fine, a tube gets welded over top of the ellipse. I still have a type 1 & a first article to do. The other problem (I'm told) is the tool path is such
that he can't modify the shape enough to bring those corners in. I just don't trust a FFS.
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This looks very much like the load or level of vibrations is not the same all around the profile. Have seen similar before.

This what I find the best about CMMs. The possibility to evaluate what goes wrong by visualizing the result.
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Yes, that part was actually boarder-line good. This post initially started with a question
about the reliability of free form surface. Then it morphed into how to get a better graphic
display to help the operator make adjustments.
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