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Snap to feature


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When I need to modify the XYZ reference on the CAD model I would like to be able to snap to a certain feature to align with it but cannot seem to find the way to do that. Is there a way to snap to stg like we do it in MasterCam ? I am a CNC programmer and had been for over 20 years and new to Calypso, and that may be a disadvantage but this should be a really simple thing. For example, the current model was brought in, but not sure where that "Z" reference actually is, so I would like to align it to let's say the top plane, or an edge, or any known feature by snapping to it to assure the proper placement. Is that possible?

Thank you
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Yes, but I would need to know the current relative position to know how much to move it by, and I cannot determine that value
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Do you want to use a feature on the model to align to?
Even if that's what your trying to do, you don't need to.
Just orient the part to the correct working plane, extract
your datum features and create an alignment.
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I think you're wanting to establish your 0/0/0, right? On the taskbar, at the bottom of Calypso, click the first option (a little icon with a cone, sphere, cylinder) and select "extract features". Now, click on what features you intend to use to establish your part's origin, open the feature, then take note of its X/Y/Z values; use those values to offset the CAD trihedron using "CAD Model Transformation". If you do only one feature at a time, be sure to delete and reselect, as the values are representative of the origin prior to the offset. Hope that makes sense.
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Yes, that's the way it has to be done in Calypso. The problem is: If the X/YZ coordinates of the desired feature are not smooth, you'll be having a hard time getting the model aligned exactly. If you want to zero in on Z and the Z coordinate reads 5.0535856321875, you wont be able to hit the correct spot even with all decimal places visible.
Calypso is quite outdated when it comes to a modern CAD-like user interface. We still have to do it in old-school 80s style (with the keyboard). Zeiss is very fond of including more and more gimmicks in the software, instead of doing some serious de-featuring (sorry, de-bugging) and a refreshment of the user interface (by which I don't mean just a couple of new icons 🙄 )
That's actually a shame, because the ACIS CAD core would provide all the necessary features helping in the implementation of something like this. It just needs to be done.
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