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Freeform licence


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Freeform now comes with Curve. Feel lucky that you're not a sorry sucker like me. I've purchased curve for all my CMM's before they came as a package. Now if I want Freeform I have to give Zeiss more money. As Fat Tony said "It's a suckers game"
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Last quote I got for Freeform, which was about a year ago, was $6,929 U.S. And we already own curve. It's ridiculous and cost them an SMA and future business from us. There is nothing in the advancement of the software from the version we have that can justify their exorbitant pricing.

Vote with your wallet!
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Were you just talking about the cost? If so that's hilarious coming from this moderation team.

The post titled"Min/Max Similar Characteristics Per Part" still has a spam account promoting some garbage link, even though I and I'm sure others reported it.
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It's not a secret that prices are not the same for each customer or region... looks like moderators in this forum dont like explicit discussions about it.
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Well... I guess I finally found something worth posting/asking on the Facebook forum. 🤣
I guess, from a business perspective, I get it... but personally, I think it's poor form.
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