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Program for Calibrating Tips


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I have one Zeiss machine in our lab, and the rest are Hexagon machines running PC-DMIS. In PC-DMIS i'm able to reference the tooling sphere location once, and after that it'll remember that location of the tooling sphere, and automatically run a calibration procedure based on what tips I specify it to calibrate. In Calypso it appears that I have to manually take each initial in order to start the calibration process, or I have to create a program specifically for calibrating the tips automatically. I've had zero formal training on this software, so I may be missing something, but is there no way to get the machine the remember to tooling sphere location without a program?
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Once you establish the reference sphere position, those exact coordinates will be where the machine thinks it is until you establish the position again.
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Is your ref sphere in a permanent fixed location? Mine is located in a removable pneumatic chuck. Qualify your MasterProbe on the reference sphere, open a new measurement plan. From Resources - Utilities, choose "Probing system qualification". One for each stylus system you have. Populate those and name them accordingly.
From the "Run measurement plan" (CMM icon) set it as shown.
I measure the ref sphere and use it for the Base Alignment (XYZ = 0)
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A quote from James initial post.

"In Calypso it appears that I have to manually take each initial in order to start the calibration process, or I have to create a program specifically for calibrating the tips automatically".
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Agreed. I use that all the time and it works very well with a VAST XT head, even on new styli imported from the stylus creator, which were never qualified before.
Beware however, that this won't work as smoothly with an XXT. The XXT requires a full manual qualification once for each stylus. After that you can re-qualify with the caliper button.
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Israel's method is almost what i'm looking for. This qualifies all of my styli of the current stylus system, is there a way to select specific styli to be calibrated? For example, I have a program that only uses three styli, and I only want to have those three calibrated, but I have ten total defined between all my jobs. Some of the jobs may or may not ever be ran again since we're 3rd party, so there's no need to run through everything.
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Take a look at Clarke's first picture: On the right side there are the selected styli. Just pick the one you want/need to be calibrated.
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Here it shows our programs for each CMM its variable:

You can mask the system that you dont need our you can selct each pin from a system 🙂 190_bf910444485de878fc4cb5f1862dcbfb.jpg
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This is a Qualification program for styli that I use.
We have established "9 Standard Probes", this program is for 9 probes.
A few of the prior posts show you how to establish the program, this should show you what a finished program looks like.
All you have to do is change the Stylus name and the Stylus tip values for your needs.

Hope it helps.

Probe Qualification Program_G2-1_05-02-16 - 9 Standard Probes.zip

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