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6.8 reading 6.6 programs


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IT is going to install Calypso 6.8 and the associated service packs, we were wondering if 6.8 will have any issues with 6.6 written programs.
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No, we did pretty much the same thing. Reads just fine. Just when you save it will update to the new program and you can not read it if you still have a computer with the old software.
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6.8 can read 6.6 programs just fine it even work with our 6.2 programs, however you cannot go backwards. Anything saved as 6.8 will not run on the older calypso programs. I have found as ridiculous as this seems that if you go into the version file in the program folder and open in notepad and simply copy and paste the old version there instead it works, Ive tested it and have had no problems unless you use a function that is not available on the older version it will not open.
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I asked this question in another post, didn't get an answer but it may be relevant.

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Thanks, the move to 6.8 was completed without issue.
The only question now was why wasn't didn't we upgrade months ago.
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