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Parameterize curve tolerances


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Hello all,
I have programmed a curve with formula. In the prefabrication the curve has an oversize and segmented tolerances of the prefabrication. Later I want to measure this curve in the final inspection using the same test plan. The calculation of the curve is parameterized - prefabrication and final inspection. Everything I can parameterize, not the segmented curve tolerances. Does anyone have a solution?
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This works good for me:

Tol1_UT = 0.01
Tol1_LT = -0.01
Tol2_UT = 0.03
Tol2_LT= -0.015
START =     -25    	// start evaluation angle Tol 1
END   =      30      	// end evaluation angle Tol 1
Tol2S =     -10    		// range Tol 2
Tol2E  =      10      	//rangeTol 2
Radius=  30    		// Radius  
step= 0.10          	// points step

Nomvalues="xNom    yNom    zNom    uNom    vNom    wNom    lTol    uTol    maskEval    maskBF" +cr() 

numberofpoints=   int(( END - START ) /step )

for i=1 to numberofpoints
if (START >= Tol2S) and  (START <= Tol2E) then
LT =Tol2_LT
LT =Tol1_LT

X= cos(START) * Radius
Z=sin(START) * Radius
Nomvalues= Nomvalues + formatR(X ,0,10)+ chr(9)  + "0"  + chr(9) + formatR(Z ,0,10)+ chr(9) + formatR(cos(START) ,0,10) + chr(9)  +  "0"  + chr(9)  + formatR(sin(START) ,0,10)  + chr(9)  + formatR(LT,0,10)  + chr(9)  + formatR(UT,0,10)  + chr(9) + "0" +  chr(9) + "0"  +cr() 

next i

deleteFile(getActualInspectionDir() + "\Nominal.txt")
addToFile(getActualInspectionDir() + "\Nominal.txt",Nomvalues)
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So you just want to change the tolerance of a profile?
put this in your presettings

itemSelected = inquireList("Is this part","Prefab","In Process")
if itemSelected=="Prefab" then

if itemSelected=="In Process" then

Then in the tolerance box right click on the box and hit formula and put the word 'Tol1' & 'Tol2' in as your formula.
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Put it in the program presettings so the inquire box will pop up at the start of the program.
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Could I use the same basic formula (with some slight modifications) to
send report results to two separate folders, depending on the choice.
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In general you can use the if statement to set a variable, if that variable is used in a filepath then yes it would change the save location.

I recently did that exact thing for our SPC reports, we mold then machine parts in 2 different op's and use 1 program to check them. but we only want spc data to be sent in the machining op so depending on what is selected the file will be dropped in its designated folder. the molding folder never gets emptied and the milling folder gets eaten by WinSPC.
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Actually i lied, i remember now since i was appending a program that was already in use and not writing it from scratch i had some difficulties, i wanted the machined op report to be left in the same location, but the Molded part was to be saved 1 layer deeper in the file tree.
So what i did was to tack an if statement in the post script so of the selection was machining then the file path would be the original filepath, but if the selection was Molding then the reports would be dumped into the +("Molding\") folder.

if OpSelected=="Molding" then
dirPath = filePath2 +("Molding\") + PARTNO + (" ") + LOT + (" ") + ext //write recore here
if OpSelected=="Machining" then
dirPath = filePath2 + PARTNO + (" ") + LOT + (" ") + ext //write recore here
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I have this working in one program, but won't work in this one?

dir = getActualInspectionDir()

Part_Size = inquireList("Which part number would you like to run?", "101221","101228")
selectCase Part_Size
case "101221"
readPCMFile(dir + "\101221.PARA")

case "101228"
readPCMFile(dir + "\101228.PARA")


Part_Type = inquireList("Are you running a Set-up Part or full Production?","Set-up","Production")
selectCase Part_Type
case "Set-up"
case "Production"



"T:\DMR\CMM Data\10122X Op-10_Rev_A\"+ getRecordHead("planid")+ getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".txt"

if fileExists(filePath) then // if it can't find the file then it will not error out.

if response == "Set-up"
copyFile(filePath,"T:\DMR\CMM Data\Set-up\theresults.txt")
copyFile(filePath,"T:\DMR\CMM Data\Production\theresults.txt")
endif //inquireList

message("could not find file : " + filePath)
endif //fileExists
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