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Default speed and step width settings


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I am constantly changing the speed and step width settings on polylines for the small parts I measure. The default is Speed=15, and Step Width=3. I almost always change them to 5, and 1 (or less). Is there a way to change the defaults to 5 and 1? I'm using Calypso 2015 Service Pack 2.
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Extras---Settings---Measurement--Point Density

Extras---Settings---Navigator (2nd tab from bottom) and you can set to Tolerance Dependant, for scan speed
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Under Resources > Save/Load Defaults. Click the Strategy tab. Activate the features that you want to set the default values for. Click the "wrench" icon to edit the strategy. Add a strategy from the top, like you would if you were in the feature. Double-click the strategy to edit it. Modify the parameters to your liking. Click OK to close the window. Repeat for other features.

Click the SAVE button and give this strategy a name. Create additional strategy profiles, as needed for various applications. Whichever profile is active when you close this window will stay active indefinitely.

polylines.pdfDefault Measurement Strategy.pdf

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@Tom Oakes:

Thank you, that looks like what I've been wanting to change. A follow up question is: How do I add other features to the default list that comes up on the Strategy tab? I would also like to change defaults for 3d Curves....they always run too fast especially with a 1mm stylus.
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