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Countersink of a slot


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Hi all,

I've got a part with several slots that we are checking. Each slot also as a 90 degree countersink and the customer is asking for the length and width of the countersink slot as well. How would I go about measuring this? I've used the cone feature before for regular countersinks, never a slot. I've attached a picture to show what I'm working with on the CAD

CS slot.png

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You could intersect and shell the two cones with the top plane for two circles Then intersect the two angled
planes with the top plane for two lines. Now you have the constructed features needed to get length and width.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the advice! The angled surface to top plane worked great, however intersecting and shelling the cones will only give me the cone centers, not a point at the outer edge of the counter sink. Any ideas on how I could get that to generate?
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When i check shell under my intersection, it still only generates me a point at the center of my cone, not at the edge of the csink
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I think he was just missing using the Caliper Tool to get the max distance across the two circles.
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