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Probing force control


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Is there is any option to control the probing force of a particular stylus globally. I have a broken probe using glue I repair it. Calibration looking good, I would like to control the probing force of that probe to 50mN.

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When you passively qualify the probe, during the manual touch part of the qualification, change the dynamic from 100% to what you feel is safe (50? 25?) and it will keep that force and apply it to any geometry you program with that probe.

I will issue a concern when using a super glued probe tip. A few days ago, a super glued probe was responsible for 8 n/c tags in a row due to it moving extremely slowly over time.

If you have to glue it, use some of that Gorilla super duty glue lol. the normal stuff doesn't like to stay adhered to the normal thermofit shafts.
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