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Home machine automatically


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Is there a setting to make the Zeiss CMM machine home automatically after measuring each part? It would be nice not to have to use the joystick to move the probe out of the way each time I need to remove a part from the table.
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Maybe not necessary but I prefer a PCM Option for safety position:
MES_CMM = 1				// 0800 Activate Safety position after measuring (Risk of collision !!) Select Yes=1, No=0
CMM_Y = -450				// 0801 Y Safety position after measuring (CMM Coordinates - Risk of collision !!)  PRISMO 9/12/7 = -450  ; GAGEMAX/DURAMAX = -70
CMM_Z = -10				// 0802 Z Safety position after measuring (CMM Coordinates _ Risk of collision !!)

// Safety position  only on Z

if MES_CMM == 1 then  // X & Y
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Also you could do shift + lower return F12 on the controller. This will home the machine but you will lose your reference sphere position by using this command.
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Thank you for the reply, but I was asking about the automatic setting (which was answered).
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That's why you make it a position point in reference to the MasterProbe (MK button). That way it goes to the same point, even if you re-position the part, or in your case are measuring a Pallet.
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As far as pallet inspection is concerned, I've been using conditional statements to ignore park position commands after my initial +Z clearance move if a pallet is being run. That way, the park commands I use for the single-part fixture location won't drive the probe head into my stylus racks.
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I probably should have actually detailed it rather than just casually mention it and wander off. The conditional statement I'm using is


which checks for the palletlocationnumber field, returning true if the field is not blank. By default, the condition flow skips the park command when the condition is true. So, if there's a value in that header field, then the program is running palletized, and ignores the park commands I want it to ignore, while still executing them in the normal Calypso environment, or from a single-run Autorun icon.

I don't know if this works with PiWeb reports, since I still use the custom report function and this function is listed under a custom printout category. Somehow it feels like it's not elegant enough, too. getRunMode("autoRun") won't distinguish pallets from single-run icons within the Autorun interface, but it's much cleaner to read.
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