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Error message


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I received the following message this week. Can someone help me with troubleshooting it? The CMM will no longer qualify the Master probe. The master Probe and reference sphere do both qualify fine on other machines. I'm taking over for someone that is no longer here and come from more of a background in structured light 3d scanning as my specialty.

Qualification was not Successful. -1215 was give as error code. Please repeat qualification.
SDO Message -1215
The sigma for the sphere measurements exceeds the default value defined for this machine. Please check the sigma value of the stylus to see if it meets your requirements.

I am also getting the following message in the status window, though this was before the earlier message started popping up.

The sensor did not carry out the measurement with the expected measuring force. Possible causes: scanning speed was too high or part form or position deviation greater than the given sensor deflection.
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Sounds like you're using a CMM with an XXT passive scanning head and there has been maximum S limits put on the probe qualification and the results you're getting are more than allowed. Go to the CMM tab and select the stylus system and then select the "set limit values" to see what (if any) have been set.
It could very well be that there is dirt or something on the probe or sphere. Depending on the limits set, you can't physically see anything less than .006mm and that's with good eyes, so using alcohol and a preferably white lint-free rag, clean both the ruby and sphere and try again. If that doesn't fix it, it could be a damaged probe or something even worse but, I doubt it.

The sensor not carrying out the measurement with expected force is a common issue with XXT heads but, it should be set to continue to measure until it does obtain the proper force. I'm not on an XXT machine right now so, somebody else would have to explain where that setting is.
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