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Line Profile vs Surface profile


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I have an ID contour that has a .002 surface profile callout to -A- & -B-. So, I did what I normally do, I created two 2d curves 180 deg apart. Recalled the points into a Free Form Surface, and the result is .043. Impossible, all the diameters, angles, and depths are correct. So I took the two 2d curves and put them in two line profile characteristics. They both measure about .001. Why am I getting such huge differences in the two when they a both using the same points?
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I believe it shows up incorrect due it being a 2D datum structure, depending on how you measured cylinders/circles or lines/planes for your datum features. If you use just those two datums as lines or circles in a surface profile, Calypso may calculate them incorrectly. If you make an alternate alignment using just those two datums or measure them as 3D features, it should come out using the FF Surface.

That's just my experience. Some other well spoken individual may have a different answer.
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If you look at your Curves, are those points being masked?

I remember an issue prior to 2019 where recalling from a Curve would recall the raw data, instead of the data that was filtered/outlier elimination.
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Looking at the curves separately, those empty gaps in-between are
filled in, continuous and smooth. WTH happens inside the FFS?
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Ah yes, I see that. I've never had to us it. Don't think it would
help in this instance, as there are obstructions before and after
the scanned area that the ruby would hit.

On another note, I got an error message after scanning, telling
me something about no gauss circle filter setting for this available.
So I looked in the evaluation and saw that the filter setting was Gauss.
I changed it to Spline, then got another message suggesting that I
divide the curve length x2 for the filter wavelength?
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This is good time to ask when is a good example to use filters for curves because I may be mistaken but I had two trainers tell me specifically to not use filter and outliers for curve scans.
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One other thing you could check is if the curves are open or closed. If the start and end points of the curves don't touch but you have it as a closed curve your numbers can get out of control very quick.
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I read in manual, that you should avoid of SPLANE filter on NOT-closed curves.
I always mask 3-5 points from start and end of curve ( depends on density and speed )
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