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Autorun custom incremental serial numbers with pallet


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I am using the pallet option of autorun to measure and output results for 3 parts in a pallet fixture. I measure the 1st, 6th, and 12th part in a batch of parts. I would like to setup the autorun program such that the 6th and 12th serial numbers will be added automatically to their separate results printouts once an operator inputs the first serial number. Can this be accomplished using PCM or some global variable?
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Is it something like this you wish to accomplish?
If you only wish to enter part number once, you need to remove that in the "Select printout header parameters". And do it like this.
if getRecordHead("palletlocationnumber") == getRecordHead("firstpalletlocationnumber")
	setRecordHead("partnbinc",inquireText("Input part no")+"_"+getRecordHead("palletlocationnumber"))
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