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Bore pattern evaluation


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Waw, tit for tat.....
But iam wet behind ears ..
Iam confused following which option to use.

LSQ-2D-Best Fit = Calculates the average best fit pattern, good for dialing in manufacturing process, but not for functional evaluation.

L1 – Best Fit = Similar to LSQ-2D, but less influenced by outliers and better for dialing in a manufacturing process.

Minimum-2D-Best Fit = Calculates a pattern such that the smallest maximum deviation occurs between a features ideal location and actual location. Simulates a Go / No-go gage. Outliers have a large impact on result.

Tolerance-2D-Best Fit = Applies the minimum 2D best fit and additional Zeiss calculations to closely simulate the Go / No-go gage. Will iterate and attempt to fit the features within the tolerance zones. This evaluation is considered the best fit for functional evaluation(Carl Zeiss, Best Fit of Patterns Presentation, 2003). In more current versions of Calypso, this is refered to as View Tolerance (without MMC / LMC of references)
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Yes, reading is the best way to learn ,no doubt about it. But we can't learn swimming by reading book, every thing have a limit.
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I think you get my point. But just in case...

This is a peer to peer group. People that give help are doing it for free and using their time to try and help others. This group is a gift. My advice to you would be to keep that in mind when you go looking for help from others. There are a lot of smart people here that give to this community selflessly.

People usually ask questions because they're in a tough spot. Maybe they don't have time to search for an answer. Maybe they've already read the literature but still have questions. Please keep that in mind when you decide to offer people advice. There may come a day that you are in the same situation.

To answer your question... there doesn't appear from the drawing to be a need for best fit as the holes are individually dimensioned and have separate locations independent of each other. You also can't convert the linear dimensions to True position straight away. 2 different tolerance zone shapes.
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He asked something, I don't know that topic, i think it was something with rotary table. My intention was give him some direction to the solution.. that all.To be honest I got lot of solution from the Manuel.

Suppose I used true position what option should use ,the default method...I want to be functionaly fit then the design requirements..
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With a thread Gage.
If your are asking if you should use best fit or not? the answer is no. The part is not True Position so best fit doesn't apply. It is XY position tolerancing (Square Tolerance Zone).
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Ok , I manipulated the things, my country is still under lookdown so l have lot of leisure time with CMM. I was conducting a dryrun on best fit bore pattern, my intention was which option should I use in the above mentioned four methods, I got that from CMM quarterly website, I used that drawing just for a reference..
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Yeah, I don't understand the point of not offering help.

Shabu, feel free to reach out via PM, and I can assist you.

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I offered him help. I didn't see anybody else other than Daniel do the same.

I made my statements because I think they needed to be made. I don't appreciate in any form people talking down to or belittling other people. Apparently I'm off base so I will refrain from offering my advice in the future.
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Sorry didn't get time yesterday it was crazy
I will get on the other Laptop and show you how to program a best fit bore pattern.

Thanks Dan
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You add that on the True Position call out where it is set to base alignment
Put in Datum -A- and Datum -B- and Select MMB
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