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Text File Format


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Can anyone confirm the text encoding format for the text files output by Calypso, in particular the format for the Characteristics Table File and the Printout Header Table file.
We have used notepad to identify the encoding format as follows:
Characteristics Table File: ANSI
Printout Header Table File: UTF-8

Just looking for some confirmation that this is correct.

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I don’t use Characteristic tables or Print out header, but I’m also curious to know the reason..
By the way I checked my text formats:

CompactPrintout: ANSI
Files generated with PCM: ANSI
Qualification probe data: UTF-8
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We are looking to pull data from these files to monitor results to put all individual results together and monitor / review. Effectively a variation along the lines of Pi Web.
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How did you check the format, with notepad? Is this the correct way to check?
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We use PCM directly to generate our Text reports, don't use Pi web or any of the canned outputs in calypso. (we do also print out a standard custom printout, which is also saved as a pdf for our records)
The reason for this is i have to EXACTLY mimic the reports we already have in PC Dmis, and our inhouse code writers have found a way to digest these reports and pump them directly into Winspc, which at one time was an operator input process.
We have many programs that we can run on Zeiss or PCD, so the reports have to match right down to number of spaces and blank line as the top line.
I don't know how they do it, I just generate the report in the way that they need, and the system works great.


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I use a SQL server to pull the data from the output text files. Then you can pull down the data with a Pivot table in Excel. Or you can pull the data in to Minitab. All data can be sorted by all input fields in Calypso. All files are saved by the program name and by the time down to the millisecond so no two runs ever have the same name.
The system also emails engineers if parts measure out of tolerance or if they start trending off the mean by a set amount.
So you can do about anything but it just requires time and programming.
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We have all three files ( fet, chr, hdr ) in ASCII.
Using Notepad is the fastest method to get encoding - if you don't have PSPad for ex.
Excel and other programs will read file correctly nowadays.
I don't remember if i had to choose encoding when i was programming editors.
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