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Features Keep "Detaching" from CAD model


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I have a few programs where I need to use CAD Model Comparison literally every time I open it to make everything look pretty. Is this common? And if so, does anyone have a solution?

Not a big deal, just annoying.
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I've gone on record previously and declared CAD model comparison as the most worthless tool in all of CMM'dom.
It does nothing but make a surface change color, but if you swap a cad model and something about that new surface changes, the comparison WILL NOT change the feature nominals to correspond to the new surface (meaning if a diameter of a shaft changes, or the xyz location of a sphere changes by a couple thou, comparison might find the surface and highlight it, but the feature nominals will not change)
Comparison also is hit or miss weather it will even find a new surface, even if it is 100% identical to the old model.

On the other hand, i think the PCD Binocular tool is possibly the best tool in all of CMM'dom. after swapping a model, open a feature and click the tool and the feature will snap to the new surface and all the xyz, and vectors will change normal to the new surface.
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