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PCM function to start inspection


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anyone know if there is a PCM-code to start inspection?

I've built a program in C# to collect orderdata from our database which is executed in the inspection_pre_start_dialog.
Now I would like to be able to start CNC-run without pressing the start-button in the RUN-window, is that possible?

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PCM is only ever executed after you press run. So no, you can't achive it according to your wish.

However, you can with PCM load a measurement plan and execute it, but only from inside another plan that someone pressed start on. So one "solution" is to have a never ending loop in a program that search for a command (txt file as an example) that contains what program to load and start. Once the program from en txt file is done. It loads and start the loop program again. So its a never ending loop jumping between programs.

But I dont recommend it to be used unless someone has their PCM dialed and you really really need it. And can't afford automatisation/facs.

*There is no documentation or support regarding this.

May I ask why your choise fell on making this in c#?
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That sound more complicated than what I aim for, they just have to do with pressing two buttons instead 🙂

No specific reason for choosing C# other than that we use it for other applications around the workshop so it could make it easier from a maintenance point of view.
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Whats the reason for a second button push? Wouldnt it be better to call for your program when the results exist? And make the collection the data automatic? You can pass variables from Calypso to your own program (If you program accept it). Like part no or something to identify what results to grab.
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What I do is that I call this program in the inspection_pre_start_dialog, the program then query the database for which orders that has been started in which machine etc. for the specific articlenumber that has been provided from calypso. The operator then has to choose which orderline (there might be more than one match) they are working on and press OK and the orderdata will be written in a file. Meanwhile Calypso is waiting for this file to exist and then reads the file.
Now the pre start dialog is finished and the run window is opened and the operator has to push RUN to start the inspection. <-- this is the step I would like to skip.
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Aha, I think I see the whole picture now.
I think I can help you, without making it to "complicated" . Just need to know some specifics.

Calypso version and your start settings?
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I need all of them. A good start would be a screen shot of your cnc-start window. That covers the ones you can't change later on, while the program is running.

Is there any variables that you need to pass along? partnbinc, orderno, etc? Or is that taken care of later on?
Are you always using the same start parameters, or do you need to be able have some flexibillity?
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The parameters vary, but they usually run with the preassigned start values. Sometimes they use miniplans, so I need some flexibility.
I do change a lot of the header parameters, partnninc and orderno etc...but right now I take care of that later on.
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Mini-plans.. What is your tought on how to choose them if the plan starts automatically? Can your external program determine what mini plan to use? So it can be passed as an argument.

Or if miniplans exist, don't start automatically. As in only start if complete plan is the only option.

I really need to know exactly what you have in mind.
I get a small feeling someone didnt think this all the way thru. Take a moment, and figure out exactly what you wish to accomplish. Then, and only then I can help you. 😃
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No you're right it is not thouth thru at all, it was a wish from production and I only try to figure out if its even possible 🙂

If its alright I'll write you an email instead?
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  • 3 weeks later...
in order to run Calypso program or miniplans with the possibility to set additional parameter is needed an interface call AAI.
For simple tasks like running a program by a barcode reader or by text file there is barcode reader option. You can find description in the PDF manual. For more complex issues an internal Zeiss development is done based on customer requirements (FACS).
With FACS it is possible to create full automation controlling also signals form the fields (Inputs Outputs from PLCs.

For more simple issues Autorun could be used.

A FACS project is always developed internally at Zeiss and reason is the complexity in order to take control on Calypso and interacting with the machine itself.


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A FACS project is always developed internally at Zeiss... because is part of the business strategy...

we have other machines where is possible to automize as part of the basic software license and is not difficult at all.

For special needs I develop something with sendkyes in Autorun ( is not nice, but it works).
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So you imply Im a lier then? Thats not very nice of you 😃 I would not say yes if the answer was no. I dont see how anyone benifits from that.

Since I appenrently have nothing better to do when Im laid off from work I became a youtuber. (I have to admit that my 12 year old son showed me how to do the youtube part.)


This discussion has poped up a couple of times during the years, can we all agree that its doable without it?

You not able to, isnt the same as impossible.

Not sure send key qualifies as an solution fit for production environment. More suitable for a lazy operator 😃
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I always appreciate the info but is a little bit useless if you don't share something to work with, couple commands to see how to open / run the program would be better...

I work with what we have, and for the moment I only have sendkyes..
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