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Established AutoRun


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We are getting ready to update one of our CMM's with latest version of Calypso. In addition we are going to be using a different computer.
This CMM run in this cell uses AutoRun for the operators ease of access. The main programs are on a server. The AutoRun I believe populates from this server.
Will I need to create all the AutoRuns again or will ."arn " file do it? Is it something that is saved/controlled in the Calypso software?

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If you saved the auto run program in the server then no need to create new one, in my knowledge you can't save anything in the Calypso software. First you create a maintenance backup otherwise you will miss all your probe details.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello CMM community
I have created an AUTORUN, with Info and Videos, but when I try to add a USER I got an error, here in picture the details. 3108_c550695b284a9e7badbdddec3662011e.jpg
How to avoid such error?
I have created the Password and the Privileges!?
IP as localhost
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Thanks Mike,
I was logged as master, but I thought that the problem is that I have not made the new user entrance thru Extras-Setting-...
I have made it direct in Autorun. I have proved in Planner offline in other PC thru Extras-Setting usw. and was success.
I'm trying now with the connected PC-CMM
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