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Leap Frogging Guide?


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Does anyone happen to have a guide on the correct way to Leap frog (if a part is too long for the cmm table)? It doesn't have to be the same program.

I've done this before a few years ago, but now I'm wondering if there is a better and more accurate way.
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Once you've measured the 1st part of the program, put a CMM position in the last feature of the first parts strategy (if you’re running off of features) to move the probe out of the way and then in the same feature, after the CMM position, put a programmable stop in to allow the operator to move or flip the part while program is stopped. You can put a message in the programmable stop to tell the operator what to do.

Create another set of features to align the part after it's moved (preferably ones that relate to the same alignment features of the original base alignment but, it doesn’t have to be) and these features will be set to measure manually later.
Create your 2nd alignment:
Go to resources, utilities and select an additional alignment and it will be placed on the characteristics side. Go to it and Rename the alignment to something like "2nd side/section align" and then use your features you created to align the 2nd part of the program.

THEN, got to the measurement plan editor and select "Man CNC Mode" and select the 2nd side alignment features to be run on MAN mode so, the operator will take them points manually to tell the CMM where the part is.

Then each feature to be measured on the 2nd side (except the ones used for 2nd alignment) will use the new alignment you just created and be run automatically referencing the new position you created with the 2nd alignment. When you open a feature, there is a drop-down menu beside the alignment where the new 2nd alignment can be chosen. Make sure all the features on that 2nd side use that alignment but, again, not the features used for the 2nd alignment.

After the part is moved or flipped, the operator will select continue and the 2nd alignment will be measured manually and after they are measured, all the other 2nd side features will be run automatically, i.e. in CNC mode.

You will then have everything on one report, be sure to name all the other side features and characteristics accordingly for identification.
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That's "Leap Frogging"?
Man, I've been doing this for a while... except, I use manual reference features for the secondary alignment features, and have the CMM run them in CNC.
I thought he may have meant using features (or tooling balls on at the center of the part, for reference), to get results for things like total part length.
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I've never actually used the Match Alignment. You can do the same thing with another alignment. All it's doing is creating a new alignment from common features to both and offsetting the coordinate system back to the first alignment using the actuals of the features.

One of the issues with leap frogging is trying to measure the form of a long part. For example, if you're using a really long edge on the part as your rotation and it's bent, you're only going to see that error up until the position that you switch alignments. It won't sew them together, so to speak, into one long feature. Hope that made sense.
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